Monday, April 6, 2015

Allusions to the book of Revelation in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

In Guardians of the Galaxy a group of misfits from various backgrounds team up to save the galaxy from sure destruction. Peter Quill (scavenger), Rocket (bounty-hunter), Groot (Rocket’s partner), Drax the Destroyer (a very angry man), and Gamora (assassin) band together to prevent Ronan the Accuser from destroying the galaxy with the help of Thanos, a “mad Titan”. Quill steals an orb in order to sell it to the highest bidder. Unbeknownst to him, the orb houses an Infinity Stone, a powerful weapon that can grant its user infinite cosmic power. Ronan the Accuser is employed by Thanos to retrieve the orb so he can use it to destroy any planet he chooses. In the midst of a bounty hunt gone awry, Quill, Rocket, Groot, Gamora, and Drax become acquainted with each other and realize they each have the same goal: stop Thanos and Ronan from obtaining the orb. In the climax of the movie, the team of misfits must use the Infinity Stone (a weapon that has the power to kill any organic being who tries to harness its power) to stop Ronan from destroying the planet Xandar. By combining their powers, the self-proclaimed “guardians of the galaxy” are able to harness the power of the Infinity Stone, kill Ronan, and destroy his army, thus restoring order to the galaxy. 

Several allusions to the Bible as a whole appear throughout the movie, and some of those allusions refer to parts of the book of Revelation, in particular. Ronan the Accuser and Thanos are allusions to the two beasts who appear in chapter 13. Furthermore, Ronan is a direct reference to Satan. The orb that plays a crucial role in the film is symbolic of the scroll opened by the Lamb in Revelation 5. Finally, the independent city of Knowhere in Guardians of the Galaxy bears striking resemblance to the fallen city of Babylon described in Revelation 18. 

The relationship between the titan Thanos and fanatic Ronan the Accuser is a very complicated one. The two do not especially like together, but for much of the movie, they work together to gain the things they want. Several aspects of their relationship resemble the relationship between the two beasts found in Revelation 13. Thanos much resembles the first beast mentioned in chapter 13. He is touted by several characters in the movie as being the most powerful being in the planet. One of Ronan’s lackeys asks Ronan in warning if he dares to oppose Thanos. This question echoes Revelation 13:4, “...and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” Also in relationship to the first beast, Thanos is prepared to make war against all the people in the galaxy. Once Ronan brings him the Infinity Stone, he plans to destroy worlds at will; thus echoing Revelation 13:7, “Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.” Ronan, in turn, resembles the second beast found in chapter 13. His sole purpose in the beginning of the movie is to bring Thanos the Infinity Stone and empower him to rule the galaxy. Thanos offers him protection in return for Ronan’s help. This seems to resemble the relationship between the two beasts found in Revelation 12 “It [the second beast]  exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.” Ronan the accuser goes on to use his newfound authority to punish anyone who opposes his people’s ancient values. It is also interesting to note, even if it is not exclusively related to Revelation, that Ronan’s title, “the Accuser”, is a direct reference to Satan. In Hebrew, Satan means “the Accuser. 

One of the most interesting connections that can be made between Guardians of the Galaxy and the book of Revelation is that between the orb that houses the Infinity Stone and the scroll opened by the Lamb in chapter 5 of Revelation. Revelation 5:2-3 states about the scroll, “And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?’ And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it.” Only the purest and most powerful being, the Lamb, had the ability to open the scroll and use it. Similarly, the Infinity Stone is said in the movie to have the power to kill anyone who tries to use it who is not ultimately powerful. Even the great Ronan the Accuser almost dies when he attempts to harness the power of the stone. Despite his ability to use the stone, he is not able to use the stone to accomplish anything of worth. It is not until the guardians of the galaxy harness to the power of the Infinity Stone to stop Ronan that the stone actually helps to accomplish anything of great matter. In much the same way the Lamb sacrifices himself in the Bible in order to open the scroll, Groot sacrifices his life to allow the guardians to use the Infinity Stone. 

The fallen city of Babylon described in chapter 18 of Revelation is also alluded to in the movie. The mining community of Knowhere was once a prevalent mining community that was home to trade and commerce like had never been seen before. However, once the mining company pulled out of the city, it fell into a state of debauchery and despair. There are no rules or regulations in the city, and it is now home to the most succesful black market in the galaxy. It is home to alcoholics, black-market billionaires, and drug-users alike. Similarly Revelation 18:3 says about the fallen city of Babylon, “For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.” Gamora describes the city of Knowhere in much the same tone and style as Revelation when the guardians first enter the city.  

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