Sunday, November 9, 2014

Is Purim still celebrated in Jewish culture, and, if so, what are the cultural implications of it?

The book of Esther details the heroic actions of Mordecai and Esther. By working together, these two characters are able to save the entire Jewish nation from basic genocide at the hands of Haman the Agagite. The plot against the Jews is ultimately foiled in an uprising that left over 75,000 of their enemies dead. The days on which the uprising took place became collectively known as Purim, after Pur (the name the “lots” used by the king to determine the day of the massacre). Esther 9:26-28 details the birth of the holiday: “ Therefore they called these days Purim, after the term Pur. There fore, because of all that was written in this letter, and of what they had faced in this matter, and of what had happened to them, the Jews firmly obligated themselves and their offspring and all who joined them, that without fail they would keep these two days according to what was written and at the time appointed every year, that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, in every clan, province, and city, and that these days of Purim should never fall into disuse among the Jews. nor should the commemoration of these days cease among their descendants.” It is this passage that spurred the question for my blog. Is Purim still celebrated in Jewish culture, and, if so, what are the cultural implications of it?

The passage in Esther that introduces Purim as a holiday takes an adamant stance that the celebratory tradition should be passed down forever. Indeed, the tradition of celebrating Purim is still alive and well in Jewish culture. The holiday is considered to be one of the most festive holidays in the Jewish faith. Partakers in the celebration are expected to party hard. The revelry associated with Purim has caused other cultures to dub the holiday as the Jewish Mardi Gras. The good times to be had on Purim are reminiscent of the celebrations that erupted when the Jews overcame their enemies under the guidance of Mordecai and Esther. Revelers today now enjoy drinking, eating and dressing up in all sorts of costumes to celebrate the holiday. 

Noisemaker used to blot out the name of
Haman during the reading of the Megillah,
and traditional Purim cookies.

Perhaps the most interesting aspects of Purim are not illustrated by the way it is celebrated. Instead, it is the historical parallels to the events that took place on the original days of Purim that are so intriguing. “The Pesach (Passover) seder reminds us that in every generation, there are those who rise up to destroy us, but G-d saves us from their hand. In the time of the Book of Esther, Haman was the one who tried to destroy us.” There have been multiple instances in modern times of a nemesis rising up agains the Jewish people and being defeated that hold special connections to Purim. The first person that comes to mind is obviously Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The party was obviously defeated, but not before it claimed the lives of millions of Jews. In 1946, during the Nuremberg war crime trials, 10 of Hitler’s top associates were hanged in punishment for their war crimes. This bears an obvious correlation with Haman’s 10 sons who were hanged at the hands of Esther and Mordecai. If nothing else, these similarities are most definitely eerie. However, this is by no means the only eerie connection made between the original days of Purim and enemies of the Jewish people in modern times. Joseph Stalin, who planned to deport all Jews from the Soviet Union, suffered a fatal stroke on March 1, 1953, the night after Purim. His plans to deport the Jewish people in the Soviet Union were never carried out as a result of his death. 

Without a doubt, these connections are interesting. But, according to many biblical scholars, an even more recognizable figure celebrated the feast of Purim. When Jesus Christ is present at an unnamed festival in John 5, many biblical scholars believe he was in town for Purim.  It is the only holiday that scholars believe could have fallen on the Sabbath during that time period, and the feast at which Jesus was in attendance just so happened to be during the Sabbath day. 

Between the historical connections and the modern revelry, Purim abounds in cultural implications for Jewish people. While it may not be the most important holiday on the Jewish calendar, it is definitely one that is alive and well. According to the Talmud, Purim will be the only Jewish holiday that will continue to be celebrated after the coming of the messiah. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Can the arrangement of a classroom have an effect on the classroom experience?

Comfort, both physically and psychologically, helps to promote interaction and critical thinking in the classroom. Of all the different ideas and plans to promote critical thinking, student engagement, and interactive classrooms, no plan covers all of these areas as well as creating a classroom that is physically comfortable for both the students and professors. Several aspects come into play when planning to create an ideal classroom. The learning space needs to be flexible, comfortable, and user friendly for all parties involved. 
Responses from Estrella Mountain Community College regarding traditional classrooms as opposed to learning studios (classrooms that provide more flexibility and comfort. 
Flexibility is vastly important when creating a classroom environment that is beneficial to both the professor and the student. Having a classroom designed so it can be quickly altered presents professors with more options to engage their students. Today’s students expect to be engaged and active in their learning. Passive listening is a learning style of the past. Students today are used to discovering answers on their own and retain information much better that way. By using a flexible style of seating in the classroom it will allow students to move seamlessly from group work, student instruction, or to an arrangement that promotes class-wide discussion. It will also allow students to have their laptops at hand if they can be near a power source and have whiteboards to use as their own in the classroom. All of these things will promote student engagement, which is the key to students performing well and retaining information. And since millennials have also been described as team-oriented people, the ability to work comfortably in groups will help facilitate their learning in a big way. 

Student comfort is a vastly overlooked aspect of the classroom. Students in today’s world thrive on having some sort of control over their classroom experience. Giving students different seating options or control over a personal light source will make them feel more in-control over their time in the classroom. College-aged individuals today are used to personalizing everything. So, giving students the opportunity to personalize the area in which they learn seems like a common-sense approach to the classroom design. All the research being done about this sort of thing seems to point out one key point: today’s students need options and control. If a student, or professor for that matter, is presented with options to carry out in in the classroom, he/she will feel like they have some sort of control over the environment. This will help them learn in a way that they would normally want to learn in. The more option that become available in the classroom, the more control a student can have over his/her learning experience. 

The combination of comfortable and flexible classroom design helps to achieve a learning environment that is user friendly. If the physical components of a classroom can become more flexible, it will open more windows of opportunity to engage students in a  meaningful manner. Likewise, if comfort is achieved alongside the flexibility, students will not feel as if they are trapped in a confined place for an hour. This would mean less time would be spent thinking about what the student is going to eat after class, and more time would be spent learning the material being presented in class. Overall, the three most important components of a classroom being presented in research are comfort, flexibility, and user-friendliness. If this can be accomplished, students will have clearer minds and will be able to think critically and effectively about the material being covered in class. 

*As a bonus, I think one aspect that deserves some attention would be the possibility of sit-to-stand desks. Having desks that allow students to sit or stand provides more flexibility and comfort, and there are definite health benefits that follow along with this option. Here is an article that talks about some of those benefits. Also, one more